Pass Labs X2.5 or Krell KAV-280p? WWYD?

I'm shopping the used preamp market, and see a few solid state units in my price range. Notably the Pass Labs X2.5 and the Krell KAV-280p. Within $500 of each other, both are very affordable.  And I need to say that borrowing one and listening to it in my system is not an option, I have to purchase on faith. So, I call on the vast experience of my fellow A'Goner's!  WWYD? (What would you do?)  

I have always been a solid state kind of guy, listen mostly to rock music, and my system consists of a Cary 306 CD player, VPI Scout w/Sumiko BPS III through a Phonomena phono pre, and Forte' Model 3 driving Legacy Focus 20/20 speakers in a 16x20 room. Most cables are Harmonic Technology Truthlink, with a Van Den Hul cable on phono and Legacy speaker cables. The amp is next on my list, so the Forte's days are numbered.  The preamp I'm replacing is a Parasound Halo 3. 

Has as anyone actually compared the two preamps? Or heard either one in a familiar system? I appreciate all opinions, advice, and testimonies. 
The price of the two preamps I'm looking at are about $1500.  The reviews I've read on either of them are very positive. Of course they cost $4 K new, so, substantial depreciation there. I did look at an Audio Research tubed pre that has all the features I mentioned, but it was a full thousand bucks higher.  And you are right, I could probably get an intigrated amp for cheaper than separates. But these Legacy Focus speakers are power hungry monsters! I'm hoping for something like a 300wpc Krell or similar.  I'm even considering a D class amp for the sheer power they offer. 

I've thought about a tubed amp, perhaps a tubed intigrated, but if that was the route I was going to take, I'd do the whole thing different. With some smaller tube friendly speakers, perhaps in a smaller room. I might even build it all myself, with a Dynaco kit and speakers of my own design. But for now, I'm on the path of full scale system that can reach near realistic volume and dynamics. The fact is that if I move up from the Halo 3 to either of these preamps, I'm sure I will be blown away by the vast upgrade! So it's a win-win, I was just curious if anyone out there had any real preference for one over the other. I'm kind of leaning toward the Pass Labs just from reviews I've read. 
Another thing on my wish list is a Jolida tubed phono preamp, that may be the only tubes found in my setup, and could make a world of difference? 


you and I are in the same situation, as I am building my system, to boot.

You cannot go wrong w/ Pass Labs. IME, it is the best SS at this juncture and backed w/ excellent customer service!  Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Wow! I didn't realize the 20/20's were that power hungry. You may be better off with separates then, as not many integrateds offer more than 200 wpc, especially lower priced ones.

If you could find one, and swing a deal on it, the CODA CSib integrated amp would probably be perfect for you though. Legacy Audio loves CODA amps, in fact they had CODA design and manufacturer their Legacy amps back when they were selling amps. I don't think Legacy still sells amps though.

There is a CSib for sale on Ebay, direct from the manufacturer with 10 year warranty, but the price is a bit steep at $4500 (List $6000). Maybe you could talk them down a bit.
The CSib does put out 400 wpc into 8 ohms though, and 800 wpc into 4 ohms. If you haven't heard of CODA, they also evolved from Threshold, just as Pass Labs did. Nelson Pass was the principle designer at Threshold for sure, but CODA was started in the 80's by 3 ex-Threshold engineers. Great amps!

As to your original question, if I had to choose a preamp for around $1500, of the two you mention, I'd go Pass Labs. I do like their amps better than their preamps though.

I'd still be more tempted to stretch a little bit for that Klyne SK6 3.5/P Preamp that already has a killer built in phono stage listed for sale on Audio Asylum Trader asking $2695, w/ $2450 in upgrades only two years ago. You may be able to get him down a few hundred, it's worth a shot.

Happy hunting,
Thanks John for your input. I have written a long, 3 paragraph response detailing why I've arrived at my decisions, and spoke about a Pass Labs X1 I'm bidding on today twice!, and twice it has lost it! So, frustrated I'm leaving it at this. Thanks Jafant for your input too, i'd like to hear what you are putting together! I'll update if and when I buy. 

I lost the bid on the Pass Preamp. So, rather than drop back and buy the Krell, I'm following your advice John and saving up for something better. What's waiting a few months in order to buy the last preamp I will ever need? (Ha!) well hopefully it will last me many years before I crave anyrhing different. There is much out there for $3500 in the used market, I'm sure something that can make me happy!  I read the Pass has volume increments of 3db steps? That does not sound very desirable to me. Even if it sounds amazing, that could get on my nerves.  So the search goes on.