Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?

I have just acquired a 32 year old JVC/Victor TT-101 DD turntable after having its lesser brother, the TT-81 for the last year.
This is one of the great DD designs made at a time when the giant Japanese electronics companies like Technics, Denon, JVC/Victor and Pioneer could pour millions of dollars into 'flagship' models to 'enhance' their lower range models which often sold in the millions.
Because of their complexity however.......if they are 'unobtanium'....and they often cannot be repaired.
The Signet TK5Ea is a sweet cartridge but there is an even better stylus for it than the original....
The AT 155Lc is a nude Line Contact, pressure-fitted on a beryllium cantilever and transforms the TK5Ea into a real 'Player'....😎
Unfortunately, they stopped making the 155Lc stylus and finding one takes patience.
Best bet is to look for a complete AT-155Lc cartridge with low hours and 'grab' it.
This one looks to tick all the boxes.
Good luck...

 Pick up a replacement stylus for a AT 440MLa.  I ran that on my TK-5Ea and was surprised at how great that combination was.  I liked it even better than my TK-7SU.  

The AT155 has the same 490mH generator as the modern 440/120.  I see the 440 replacement stylus went up another $50. For another $25 or so you can get a 150MLX stylus. This is a great combination with the 490mH motor, reminiscent of the 160ML.

The Signet TK5Ea, 7Ea, 7LCa, all have 550mH generators. All the beryllium styli (7LCa) are extremely rare. If you're looking, there are models like 152LC/ML and Signet MR5.0 LC/ML. These have the same fitment.  The 440MLa stylus has a bump at 16KHz - might be a perfect match for the 550mH motor, I don't know.  All of that series will fit. BTW, AT has a new "B" version of the 440/120. The generator appears the same.
