Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.

I have listened to a few speakers over the years that impressed me with their accuracy and presentation of the music, but just did not create an emotional response or connection. I have often wondered what that quality is in some speakers that produce an emotional connection with the listener. This quality has been identified by audiophiles, as "magical", "engaging"  "just right"  "euphonic"  "natural"  "true to life". " "satisfying"  "musical"....  I am sure there are at least 50  other  adjectives that could describe this "quality" of  sound . 

Considering the various aspects  of achieving  good and accurate sound by component synergy, is there a way to explain this so-called magical element that often eludes so many of us??.  I don't think such a feeling is temporal, conditioned by personal moods, or the phases of the moon or sun.  

Like to hear from members who have given some thought to the same issue.    Thanks,  Jim   

BTW, I know the thread is a bit out there, but  I don't think the topic is pointlessly pursuing the genie in the bottle. 

No speaker does it all. Its a matter of deciding what approach you want to pursue, and being happy with the tradeoffs.
while this might be true, psag, the time-coherent speaker sacrifices the least & is very close to doing it all. Every genre of music plays superbly on it & the better one's electronics get, the better the speakers sound. Music enjoyment for the long-haul.... 

Among all the speakers I listened to, the only speakers that gave me accuracy and emotional connection are:

Sonus Faber (old models although the accuracy/detail was not top notch)
Verity Audio (have not heard their new models)

Also make sure you have a good amp like Pass Labs Aleph line (the best amps I have ever listened to especially the Aleph 3).
So, again, it was the phase coherent car speakers…not the Beatles…I give up.
[...] the time-coherent speaker sacrifices the least & is very close to doing it all. Every genre of music plays superbly on it & the better one’s electronics get, the better the speakers sound. Music enjoyment for the long-haul....

bombaywalla --

There are too many other factors for a phase-coherent speaker to potentially sound like the less desirable choice compared to a speaker not being phase-coherent. I’m guessing you refer to speakers being mechanically aligned to achieve named virtue, although delay via DSP is a viable solution as well - likely better than any electrical ditto. In any case, phase-coherency alone - to my ears, at least - is far from the deciding factor.

The thought experiment could be made whether a hypothetical speaker of my liking, one not being phase coherent, would gain significantly being converted into phase-coherency. For the sake of not altering the overall design of the speaker let's just say we'd modify it accordingly via a DSP solution, bearing in mind other sonic changes that could follow in the wake of this implementation. In that case, given these are speakers I'd fancy despite of phase imperfections, I gather the phase modification (into coherency) could lead to the desirable outcome. If anything, and if proved to be a big factor, the rationale could be to seek out the overall preferred speaker principle as a phase coherent design, but as such phase coherency would only be one of many factors to achieve the desired sonic goal.

o, again, it was the phase coherent car speakers…not the Beatles…I give up.
wolf_garcia, maybe you didn't fully understand what I meant to say...
for you, listening to the Beatles at that time, of course it was the Beatles & the low phase distorting dash-mounted speakers allowed you to gain max listening pleasure i.e. they affected the music signal the least.