Phono pre "Break-In" process? Necessary?

Just ordered a new phono preamp from Jolida  (J9II). Is there a break in process I should be aware of? Or do I simply play normal and realistically believe that it will open up as time goes on. Also, how much can one expect this pre will improve over time?


Yes I think there is a break in time for most equipment, IC and powercords. It varies however, I think on average around 50 hrs is sufficient enough but some IC and PCs can be more. Is it HUGE usually not but noticeable in my opinion to trained ears. For example one night I was listening for a couple of hours and all of the sudden my system sounded smoother and more open. It was weird but it was like "poof" the sound was much better. I don't think it was the bourbon lol. I don't remember what it was off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure it was a IC. 

Wolf brings up a very good point. Turn it on and let it play. Try not to judge too harshly at 1st because of the break in time but in my opinion the overall flavor or tone of the new component is immediately noticeable. Yes you can let it break in longer but the overall characteristics won't change that much. Just my 2 cents :)

To clarify for the over-thinkers, things often sound better after a while, as well they should…but well made audio gear should work pretty great right off the proverbial bat or I’m not interested. On the other hand, I think we need an "un burn-in" device to restore items that sound worse after burn-in in case the fresh component sounded better when brand new. Ridiculous, but I think this concept will seem like a better idea if you let it burn-in…re-visit this post after at least 150 hours...

As a product accumulates burn-in time the distortion is reduced.
If your system begins to sound worse - Don't blame the new product, blame a component ahead if it that may have sounded harsh but was tamed down by the "fresh" amp that could not yet pass fine detail. When that amp finally achieves zen it simply exposes the quality of whatever is driving it.


Show me someone who doesn't believe in break in time and I will show you someone who has never owned Morrow cables.
At 4:20 this thread appeared to run astray of any reasonable logic... could it just be a Friday "burn-in" gone up in smoke in someone's time zone?