Latest Absolute Sound

I just got it yesterday and they are reviewing amps from 12k to 97k. I sat back and thought who is really buying this stuff. I know the average audiophile Isn't and the one's that actual have the money are always looking for deals via Audiogon. Is this just audio porn for the readers or are people actually buying this stuff.
The price of high end equipment these days are outrageous. I don't think the sound are much better than 80' & 90' class A and B components, but the price is easily 5 to 10 times more expensive. So, I always bought used and happy.
I think the business plan of ultra expensive stuff is great…Bugatti already has 100 orders for the not yet available new supercar, 200 grand for audio components with no (or few) moving parts are common, and hey…exclusivity worked for Bernie Madoff, so why not? I feel a self satisfied smirk coming on when I think about my relatively inexpensive hifi rig (lots of used but geekily vetted items), and recently a friend commented on my great sounding Linn turntable (bought used and re-wired) by saying, "Most people would consider 500 bucks a LOT for a turntable"…and he's right.
Throwing tons of money into a product does not necessarily make it work any better, Often it ends up on the outside as window dressing. They have to justify the cost somehow. Those manufactures are simply testing the limits of what they can get and having you pay more for the extreme art of how they box their circuitry. They need to spend that money on their circuits.

That's where the real enjoyment of music lives. 

I wasn't too pleased, either, with the current issue.

I'm sorry but it looks like the Japanese equipment makers are trying to invade the High End again -- Sony speakers, Yamaha separates and $53K amps from Technics!

The last straw was a good review for the $4K "revised" Technics SL-1200 direct drive with the "refinements" that 40 years brings. I'm sorry, but ever since I heard a direct A-B between the Linn LP12 and the same Technics back in 1974, I'm NOT going the direct-drive route no matter what TAS or other reviewers are saying.
I would cancel my subscription to TAS if I could afford the crazy $36 per year subscription fee!!!  $36?!?!?!  For a handful of printed pages and pictures???  Does Robert Harley think we are all millionaires? How dare anyone make a product that I cannot afford!!!!  I think we should tax the 1% so that everyone can buy the same $300 amplifier, $400 speakers, and $150 CD player.  Better yet - why not raise the taxes high enough on the 1% so that the 99% can just be given this very average universal system as an entitlement?  After all, isn't music a right?  Why should anyone with money, no doubt stolen from the poor working class, be able to enjoy better sound than the rest of us?  RESIST!  BREAK WINDOWS!  DESTROY ALL EXPENSIVE AUDIO GEAR!!!