Audience Au24se vs Au24sx cables

Just wondering if anyone has upgraded to the new Audience Au24sx from the former reference Au24se interconnects and speaker cables. Any opinions on significant sonic differences?  My understanding is that the upgrade is not retrofittable and requires new purchase. My SE's are only 8 months old and I'm trying to decide whether to invest in the upgrade.  Thanks to all.

About 20 hours of listening.  With my rig, the similarities between Nordost Frey2 and the Audience Au24sx are striking.  The midrange performance seems to be the sweet spot with the Au24sx. The Transparent Reference is the runaway favorite for me. Better base, softer trebles, absolutely quiet. They should be better at twice the price of the other two cables.  Regrettably, the Au24sx does not play well with my B&W 803 D3s as the tweeters can be a bit challenging to tame. 

Since I never heard the Se version, I can't express an opinion in terms of improvement with the new version.  I will say that these cables appear to be an excellent value and I am disappointed they did not work out for me. 

After 200 hours, the cables will really open up!
Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thanks Jafant.  According to Audience, they are cooked at the factory and need 10 to 20 hours to settle down.  I'll keep them connected for another week or so and make my final decision. Trust me, I really want to like these cables!!