FUSES??? Just when I just replaced all my PC cords.

So I come across what I think is the next magic pill. "FUSES" Synergistic Research RED Quantum Fuse to be specific. Guaranteed to make a significant improvement in overall sound quality. Or a full refund. Gotta love that, total satisfaction. So, it's got my interest. Let's say one would like to challenge the promise. I have a Jolida tube amp (801) a Jolida JD9II phono pre and a Jolida glass tube DAC III. And I would like to try one fuse to start with. Which of the three components of my system would you recommend trying first?

Thanks in advance for any opinons.  
Found a small Canadian company run by Denis Sureau on Audio Asylum. His prices were at a price point that got my attention, the build
quality is excellent and his advice and knowledge was impressive. So I took a chance and purchased his recommended Mega Ultra LH cord for my Furman power conditioner to the wall. I was sold, and one by one replaced all cords with his line. Couldn't be happier.
Post removed 

The Synergistic Research RED or Black fuse will definately reduce some of the brightness - digititis of your DAC. You will also hear better imaging. Your 5 cent fuse is really keeping a good DAC from showing it's full potential.

I hope you will give a good audiograde fuse a trial. If you are not happy with the results send it back.

David Pritchard

TY- markeetaux.

yes, it appears that switching fuses is the next "big" thing. We all know that most companies cheap-out on all parts, including fuses. Looks like some of the companies figured out a way to make an over-looked piece of the equation more sound.

Let’s see, how long has it been since aftermarket fuses first appeared on the scene? Twenty years. Gosh, it seems just like yesterday. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away....It was 20 years ago today Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play.....hahaha