Phono stage gain setting to match preamp and power amp capabilities

Hello All,  I have a Whest PS .30R phono stage, with adjustable gain settings.  My Audio Research LS-25 preamplifier also has adjustable gain settings (high 18db, medium 12db, low 6db; I have been using high at all times as I believe this is the best sound quality & "native" setting).  The Whest gain options are 43, 50, 55, 60, 65, 72.  It also has adjustable load settings of 100, 220, 470, 1k6, 15k, 47k.

The cartridge is Lyra Delos (Output voltage: 0.6mV@5cm/sec.) The power amp is an Audio Research VT100 (100wpc).  The speakers are Rockport Mira Monitors ( somewhat low sensitivity at 85 dB SPL/2.83 v)

The reason I am looking for advice here has to do with how much I have to turn up the volume control on the preamp up to get to the loud volume that I like to listen at when I am in my loud listening moods.  In order to get to the point of a dramatic concert style experience in my living room, when playing vinyl, I have to turn the preamp volume to the 3 o'clock position. Once I get the volume control this high, the noise floor (am I using the term correctly?) or background hiss increases audibly.  I do not get loud volume without that hiss.  Of course, when the music is full, you cannot hear it.  But when the music is lean, the hiss is there.

For the past year or so, I had the Whest set to 60db and 220 ohms.  I arrived at 60 because I didn't want to over amplify the signal in the phono stage and get more hiss.  But then I had to crank up the preamp volume.  Now I just set the Whest to 65, and as expected, the volume control on the LS-25 can be backed down a little.  I haven't had the chance to really listen critically or for long enough time to determine if the hiss has diminished.  But I will log the listening time soon.

Can you give me any advice on the proper way to set these options?  Should I go to full gain on the Whest and back down on the LS-25 volume control even further?  Or is a lower gain on the Whest a better way to go?  Also, can you help me understand the nature and source of the hiss I hear?  What is it, why is it there, and how do I get it to be 'inky black' as some reviewers like to say?

Hi Mark,

First, kudos for stating your question so thoroughly and well.

Clearly the hiss is being caused by something upstream (ahead of) the volume control mechanism in the preamp. Looking at the preamp schematic at I see that the volume control devices are located not far in the signal path from its input connectors, with only the input select switches and a few resistors and associated switches (which provide the gain select function) in between.

Noise performance for vinyl sources will often be limited by circuitry in the phono stage that is at or near its input, since a given amount of noise generated by that circuitry will be greater in relation to the signal amplitude than a similar amount of noise generated further downstream. But without knowing the details of the Whest’s design it’s hard to predict how such noise will vary as a function of its gain setting. If I were to guess, though, my suspicion would be that lowering its gain to 55 db would be more likely to help than raising it to 65 db. Despite the somewhat low sensitivity of your power amp (1.9 volts; 23.5 db gain into 8 ohms) and your speakers, the 18 db gain setting you are using on the preamp coupled with the 0.6 mv rating of the cartridge should enable you to do that while still being able to drive the amp to full power on high volume musical peaks, without running out of range on the volume control.

In addition to the phono stage’s intrinsic noise performance, though, there are some other things that might be causing or contributing to the issue:

1)I see that you have the power amp located close to and in between the phono stage and the preamp. It seems conceivable that the power amp is coupling noise into either or both of them. As an experiment, at least, you might try relocating those components such that the power amp is as far away as possible from the other two components, especially the phono stage (and also the cable connecting the phono stage to the preamp).

2)A ground loop issue between the phono stage and the preamp could conceivably be contributing, even if there is no perceptible hum. You might try temporarily using a cheater plug (a 3-prong to 2-prong adapter, with the safety ground not connected to the outlet) on the power plug of one or both of those components. That would break any ground loop that may exist between them.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

I don't think there's a perfect answer to your situation, but based on the cartridge's output I would set the Whest at 50 or 55dB gain and then adjust the preamp accordingly.  I wouldn't be worried about the position of the volume control as long as it still has some extra adjustment range.  If you are trying to achieve concert hall levels (95dB+), then you probably need a larger amp with your current loudspeakers.

Let's us know how your listening goes.
More gain on the Whest less gain on LS-25 since the Whest is solid state it will be quieter when turned up 100k is best for me with Transfiguration Proteus but it depends on the cartridge.Good luck enjoy!!