Herron VTPH-1 vs Allnic H1201

I've been using the Herron for about 3 months and while I think it's a great unit, I feel like I'm missing something in the tonality/timbre of the insturments. Are there any former/current Herron users that have purchased or heard the H1201? I've heard the more expensive Allnic and was blown away but it too much $$.
You may want to add the Zesto Andros to your list for consideration. I'm very happy with the Zesto Andros in my system. I feel instrumental timbre, soundstage and well balanced sound are the Zesto's strong points. IMO, the Zesto consistently gets everything right.
Just to update an old thread. I sent unit back to Keith and have been very happy with the results. I also switched to EH gold pin tubes which opened up the unit considerably. Thinking about pulling the trigger on the VTPH-2 but it's still a lot of money.
I use NOS Telefunkens in my VTPH-2 with excellent results although they can be kinda pricey. Better resolution across the audio spectrum.

I concur. 
I recently switched to Telefunken ECC 83's for the first and second gain stages and a Genelex GEC A2900 for the line stage on my VTPH 2. I was amazed at how the Herron is now transformed into a giant killer.  The nice thing about the Herron is you can tube roll to tailor the sound to your prefrences. The stock rubes sounded nice but the NOS Tele's really made a difference.