Audio Research DS 450 amp......thoughts

....that's what I'm looking for, thoughts on this class D amp from this tube giant. Some people like like it.....what do YOU think if you have heard it
I had a chance to compare the Class D Audio Research integrated VS. Ayre V5xe with matching pre amp through Maggie 3.7s. The Ayre had noticably greater soundstaging and detail resolution.
The ARC had a wetter, less dry sound with more tonal density and better bass extension on the Maggies.
I just got one of the last factory fresh DS450's. It replaced my HD220. (Long story)

 Anyhow, im using the stock arc power cord from hd220 is it was already there sitting on the rack and the new power cord seems identical 12 gauge 20
amp. I also used an S.R. Quantum red fuse in the 220. I'm planning on trying the newly released quantum black. Unfortunately I can't use the old red fuse from the 220 because it's 8 amp and the 450 calls for 10 amp. 

what fuse and power cord are you using? I'm still breaking mine in obviously. It has about 72 hours on it and it's improvement has not been linear. Almost like my Morrow cables. I'm just curious as to the improvements you heard with this particular amp. So far, with everything stock, it has a great sound! I'm not really missing the 220. It is much more robust, images as well or better than the 220 with the upgraded fuse, and seems smoother even though it's class D!  

This is my first class D amp. I'm not sure why everyone doesn't like class D. Maybe this is a testament of how good the ds450 is compared to other class D Amps. 
Well, a few don't like them or there wouldn't be so many for sale on the used market.........I have to wonder where we go from here........
Personally instead of getting a D class amp from Audio Research,  I would look for a good D400MKIII which are generally less than 2 grand any more.  200/400/800 watts a side at 8/4/2 ohms and can drive virtually anything, or at least have no trouble driving my Maggie 20.7s.

Bough my first one new then added a second when I bi-amped my MG 3As and no not going to or trying to sell one  LOL
