Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?

I have looked at several components in Audio Research's line and they are discontinuing the LS17-se, PH8, and PH6.  They discontinued the DAC 8.  I know there is a new Ref 6 to replace the Ref 5se and their is a new Ref Phono 3 to replace the Ref Phone 2se coming out.  I talked to my dealer and he stated that Audio Research seems to be making their components look more McIntosh like in the Galeo series. 

The dealer stated their isn't going to be anything that he has heard that will replace the other lines at this point and that AR will be starting at the LS-27, which is $7500 for preamps.  The Ref 75se is the beginning of the line for Amps, which I know, but man are they going the Mac route with prices, nothing to replace the DAC 8 and the other DAC in the line is $11,000, what's up with this, have you guys heard anything more. 

The starting point for AR equipment is getting pretty high and the only way a newer person without means will be able to afford it will be to buy use, which could send the used prices up if there isn't anything else in the line.  What do you guys think and what have you heard?
I was referring to Audio Research when I abbreviated it as AR.shouldnt have been difficult at all to figure out which company I was referring to. 
The world of audio is changing. On the other hand time and technique go on. But on the other hand commercial interest makes audio not always better in quality and result. Audio Reseach is in hands of an investment company. They are the owners and want to make more profit. This means that AR uses less expensive parts. This has an influence on the quality of AR.

In the whole world audio is having a difficult time. In 10 years of time the market will be even a lot smaller than it is today. When we visit audio shows in Europe we see that the average age is far above 40. Younger people have other interest compared to us music and audio lovers.

The world of audio will becume MUCH easier if you'll bring back era of Pioneer SX980, Sansui A9090, ADC and other pioneers of high definition audio. 
Also needed to bring down the percentage of robbed and constantly depleting middle class for purpose of aggressive imperialistic endeavors of big corporations in the Middle East that apparently choose to strip the tax dollar to sponsor robberies and murders outside of their homeland. In addition to these government spending there's huge additional layer of internal law enforcement agencies so to "control" ones who gradually becomes poor, hungry, angry and hopeless.