Agear - The ODSX will have option of having USB or Ethernet input. The current USB is M2Tech but I suggest waiting until the XMOS is figured out. Steve is creating a new device where Ethernet converts to I2S. This is different than his Offramp 6 that will soon be released as well that handles DSD throughput. The Ethernet to I2S can either be an external unit or an internal unit for the ODSX in place of the USB. Given my personal experience, I believe the internal Ethernet to I2S will beat Ethernet to high grade server to ODSX by USB.
What is said here about the Plasmatron makes sense. My voltage varies from 116 to 126, sometimes more. It is necessary in my system when not running tube dacs. They seem to tolerate voltage changes better for some reason. I live in the same region as Steve Nugent and reason he has the same issues as I do. This is likely why we both find it favorable. So much so I gifted a 220V version to a friend in Korea.
I also would not be so critical about Matt desire to sell his Plasmatron. Great, I highly suggest someone take him up on his offer. They do not come up the resale market. At least I have never seen one. Like Matt, as my system evolved over the years, I have many times purchased something and was not satisfied then sold it at a loss. In total I estimate 50% of cost of my system! This is why I appreciate everyone's endeavors here. It helps save money. Ironically, Matt approached me before the beginning of this thread to purchase my EMM dac2x but I talked him out of it. I was never satisfied with its sonic signature. Instead I told him about the Overdrive. 18 months later he acquires an EMM and loves it! My unit was a very early build and there were hardware improvements this last year. Maybe it is the unit or it is our perception. This highlights the importance of auditioning gear regardless of what people say. EMM audition was not an option back then. ...audition in your system is essential.
(Of interests: I sold my EMM DAC2x for $7800 and was difficult because dealer(s) were selling newly built, sealed, from factory units for same or less!). Summer is a low sale season and dealers often are looking for a quick sale. EMM is a respectable company and grew up on their Museatex line. The EMM great dac but not to my taste. I found the ODSE to be much better and many others for the fraction of the price.
My gear sold in mint condition cheap, the Plasmatron will be a deal for the next guy.
I hope to hear Matt's system in person someday. Glad his endeavors have paid dividends.
What is said here about the Plasmatron makes sense. My voltage varies from 116 to 126, sometimes more. It is necessary in my system when not running tube dacs. They seem to tolerate voltage changes better for some reason. I live in the same region as Steve Nugent and reason he has the same issues as I do. This is likely why we both find it favorable. So much so I gifted a 220V version to a friend in Korea.
I also would not be so critical about Matt desire to sell his Plasmatron. Great, I highly suggest someone take him up on his offer. They do not come up the resale market. At least I have never seen one. Like Matt, as my system evolved over the years, I have many times purchased something and was not satisfied then sold it at a loss. In total I estimate 50% of cost of my system! This is why I appreciate everyone's endeavors here. It helps save money. Ironically, Matt approached me before the beginning of this thread to purchase my EMM dac2x but I talked him out of it. I was never satisfied with its sonic signature. Instead I told him about the Overdrive. 18 months later he acquires an EMM and loves it! My unit was a very early build and there were hardware improvements this last year. Maybe it is the unit or it is our perception. This highlights the importance of auditioning gear regardless of what people say. EMM audition was not an option back then. ...audition in your system is essential.
(Of interests: I sold my EMM DAC2x for $7800 and was difficult because dealer(s) were selling newly built, sealed, from factory units for same or less!). Summer is a low sale season and dealers often are looking for a quick sale. EMM is a respectable company and grew up on their Museatex line. The EMM great dac but not to my taste. I found the ODSE to be much better and many others for the fraction of the price.
My gear sold in mint condition cheap, the Plasmatron will be a deal for the next guy.
I hope to hear Matt's system in person someday. Glad his endeavors have paid dividends.