Accuphase Integrated Amp - E600 or E470

I am building a second system around Harbeth or ATC speaker and decided on Accuphase for integrated amp. Between the Accuphase E600 (class A 30 watts) and E470 (class A/B 180 watts) integrated amps I am hoping someone here has compared. I heard the E470 driving ATC speakers and liked it but have no chance to audition an E600. If the E600 sonics is only mildly superior to the E470 I would rather get the latter to avoid class A heat plus it is significantly less $$. I am in Jakarta Indonesia where it is always hot and I prefer not have a heater in the small 1BR apartment I live. But if the sonics gap is huge enough I am prepared to step up. Music I listen is varied - pop, jazz, light rock, R&B and occasionally classical orchestra.
Hi denon1, I also have Rowland and Plinius integrated amps on other systems. How do you feel the E470 betters these and what model of Rowland and Plinius did you have?

Noelpastor, I had all pliniuses models of integrated, latest that I recently sold was Hiato. Jeff Rowland I had was first continuum 500- not S2. Accuphase sounds more analog than both without losing any details. Great bass, silky highs, very quiet, just one step closer to life music.  I can listen to it without any fatigue forever. And of course build quality (even so both plinius and hiato build like a tank) on a higher level.

Denon1 one thing I noticed with Plinius is while the integrateds (still have a 9200) are excellent mid-level stuff you really need to go to their class A separates for a  jump in sonics. I remember comparing the 9200 with the M8-SA103 on same system and the difference was revelatory. I did not have rack space for a bulky amp like the SA103 so I never went that route. I look forward to getting an Accuphase integrated I have wanted to do so for a while but everytime I was ready to do something else comes up.