Accuphase Integrated Amp - E600 or E470

I am building a second system around Harbeth or ATC speaker and decided on Accuphase for integrated amp. Between the Accuphase E600 (class A 30 watts) and E470 (class A/B 180 watts) integrated amps I am hoping someone here has compared. I heard the E470 driving ATC speakers and liked it but have no chance to audition an E600. If the E600 sonics is only mildly superior to the E470 I would rather get the latter to avoid class A heat plus it is significantly less $$. I am in Jakarta Indonesia where it is always hot and I prefer not have a heater in the small 1BR apartment I live. But if the sonics gap is huge enough I am prepared to step up. Music I listen is varied - pop, jazz, light rock, R&B and occasionally classical orchestra.

Noelpastor, I had all pliniuses models of integrated, latest that I recently sold was Hiato. Jeff Rowland I had was first continuum 500- not S2. Accuphase sounds more analog than both without losing any details. Great bass, silky highs, very quiet, just one step closer to life music.  I can listen to it without any fatigue forever. And of course build quality (even so both plinius and hiato build like a tank) on a higher level.

Denon1 one thing I noticed with Plinius is while the integrateds (still have a 9200) are excellent mid-level stuff you really need to go to their class A separates for a  jump in sonics. I remember comparing the 9200 with the M8-SA103 on same system and the difference was revelatory. I did not have rack space for a bulky amp like the SA103 so I never went that route. I look forward to getting an Accuphase integrated I have wanted to do so for a while but everytime I was ready to do something else comes up. 


   - You live in a "smal 1BR apartment"

   - You are building a second system with E600 or E470

I apologize for being curious but what is your first system en where do you place both systems  :-) ?

I can

The second system is for my apartment in Indonesia where I work. The main system is at home in Philippines where I have several setups. 
Update - I again visited the shop yesterday and listened to the E470 driving ATC SCM19, source DP550, this was much much better than before with the SCM11. Hell Freezes Over and DK Live at Paris sounded big and convincing, but with Eva Cassidy Live at Blues Alley I felt her voice just a tiny bit thin. Male vocals is some of the best I heard. Overall I really liked it except I felt there was still something missing. E600 is still sealed and vendor won't open unless I give assurance I will buy. Anyone heard the E600 driving SCM19 8 ohms 85DB sealed box, I worry there may not be enough power.