Power Re Generator capacity questions

I am looking into purchasing a power re generator for my surround setup.  I have heard many reviews of its benefit in a system.  I do not understand the size of the unit I would need, wattage wise, to handle the system and not get over loaded from too much being put into it.  I suppose the biggest question is does the WPC of each amp translate into the total number needed for that particular component?  For instance, I have three large load components included in my system.  I have a 2 channel and a separate 3 channel amp - each one rated 200 WPC into 8 ohms as well as a 512 watt into 8 ohms powered sub.  The combination of those 3 components would appear to mean that I need a re generator that handles approx. 1500 watts for just those 3 pieces alone.  I would then have a universal player, plasma tv, set top box, tube pre amp and a small surround processor to add in after that.  Am I understanding this correctly?  Do I need to look for a unit that handles 2500 watts or so to cover all of my gear or are these wattage numbers from my gear the wrong numbers to calculate in the first place?  Any help would truly be appreciated.

Please please check your amplifier specs before going any further. Your power amplifiers will draw much more current than their watt output rating. As a for example I looked up the specs on an Arcam P49 2 channel 200 W amp. This is an efficient class G design and is rated at 1 KW peak power consumption, the three channel version has the same rating. Less efficient designs may even draw substantial power while not in use. My VTL monoblocks for example draw 300W even on standby.

FWIW I think regenerators are terrible with power amps and there are much better power conditioning solutions out there from manufacturers such as Synergistic Research and Shunyata that are both better for power amps and cheaper than the P10. By all means consider a P5 for your source components

if you let us know what particular items you have we can look up the power draw and let you know what you really need

Thanks for that offer of researching the power draw of my system.
My system contains the following;
Adcom 5500 2 channel amp
Adcom 5503 3 channel amp
Reimer 1000 Watt sub (through Parts Express)(Class G)
Audio Refinement Pre2 DSP surround processor
OPPO BDP 93 Universal player
Panasonic TC-P65VT30 Monitor
Modwright LS 36.5 Tube Preamp
Motorola QIP7232 2 Settop box
Reimer surround speaker system (not applicable)
OK -- here’s your answer, hope this helps

Item                                                 Standby      Peak    Source

Adcom 5500 2 channel amp            199            855       GFA-5500 Service Manual per HiFiEngine
Adcom 5503 3 channel amp            199            855       GFA-5503 Service Manual per HiFiEngine
Reimer 1000 W sub (Class G)            24          1,000      Could not find, estimate only, standby draw is from a similar model
Audio Ref Pre2                                   5                  45      http://www.audiorefinement.com/handbook/Pre-2DSP-PL-II.pdf, note standby is an estimate (guess!)
OPPO BDP 93 Universal player         1                  35       http://download.oppodigital.com/BDP93/BDP-93%20English%20Manual%20v2.2.pdf
Panasonic TC-P65VT30 Monitor       0                 516       ftp://ftp.panasonic.com/television/om/tc-p55vt30_en_om.pdf
Modwright LS 36.5 Tube Pre             ?                 176       Estimate based on fuse rating 1.6A, manual sourced at http://www.modwright.com/cms/resources/ls-36.5-owners-manual-final.pdf does not provide power consumption
Motorola QIP7232 2 Settop box        ?                   25       Estimate from https://forums.verizon.com/t5/Fios-TV-Technical-Assistance/Verizon-FIOS-Cablebox-Power-consumption/t...

Total                                                428               3,507
Total ex sub                                     404               2,507
The sub seems to be the real question mark here and probably either should be left out or get its own dedicated (more basic) conditioner. Other than that your original back of the envelope of 2.5 kVA was very accurate!
Yet another extremely generous member of the agon community.  I so appreciate the time and effort you took to assist me.  

Collectively, through the info I have been shown from you guys I am thinking P10 for the system and maybe something like an older model P600 for the sub OR keep the current API power wedge 114 I currently use for the sub exclusively?.  Another member here on the site has a P600 for sale, for pickup only, here in NY near where I live.  I could use that 600 exclusively for the sub so as to not overload the P10 on peak draw times.  However, maybe the power wedge I currently own would do the trick?  

When you said 'more basic' what did you have in mind for the sub?  Not bothering with a regenerator and just stick to an older heavy duty power conditioner like I currently use (see below)? 

My system is currently going into a standard Monster conditioner for TV and Verizon box only and I have an Audio Power Industries Power Wedge 114.  The API says it is 'Designed
for mid-sized systems with up tp 4 source components. One 150Watt, three 120 Watt and four amplifier outlets.'

Maybe I could just use the API power wedge I currently own strictly for the sub and then only need to buy a P10?  I assume the reasoning is because youre dealing with the bottom frequency range and other than tightness and peak audio punches it would be difficult to hear much of a difference between what you choose to use for it?  In other words, don't bother spending money on the 600 since you wouldn't audibly hear a difference between using it exclusively on the sub as opposed to the power wedge?

Thanks for sharing your knowledge.