Magnepan 1.7i - Is a Luxman 505UX good enough


I am currently running Harbeth Compact 7ES3s with a Luxman 505UX (Japanese 100V used with SDT)... Quite happy with my system but for long have been wanting to buy the Maggies..

Wanted to know if the Luxman 505UX has enough juice to drive the MG 1.7i in a 17 x 15 feet room? Or do I need to change the amp? I listen to jazz - mostly smooth jazz and instrumentals as well as some electronic downtempo and 80s pop...
Many thanks Johnnyb... The Luxman is rated to give 150W at 4 ohms.. Given that my room is smaller with the ceiling at 10 feet, I feel I should be able to drive them reasonably atleast for the time being....If I do feel a need for another amp, I will but at least till such time I should be able to enjoy my music.... Also the MG bass module is always there to be added at any point...

Thanks for your feedback....
I've owned the 1.6 and now the 3.7.
I agree that I believe you will be happy with your Luxman and down the road when the time is right for you, upgrade to a different amp of your liking. Maggies do like power, the more the better however, there is more to it than that. It's a matter of how good the amp is capable of sounding while driving the speakers.

Maggies do like power, the more the better however, there is more to it than that. It's a matter of how good the amp is capable of sounding while driving the speakers.

This is also true. When TAS reviewed the 90 wpc Rogue Cronus Magnum, they set the internal output connection for the 4-ohm tap and got a great matchup with the 1.7s. I have an audiobuddy who did the same to great satisfaction.

The review is for the Cronum Magnus, but everything they heard came through the 1.7s: