Paradigm Signature Servo vs JL-Audio F112

Looking to upgrade my B&W ASW 800 Matrix subwoofer.
The Subwoofer would be for Home Theater only.
Its between the Signature Servo and the JL-Audio F112.

Between these two,which do you think would be better
for Home Theater?

Associated Equipment:
B&W Nautilus 804s
B&W Nautilus 805s
B&W Nautilus HTM-2
Anthem AVM-30

Bob reynolds: Sorry but I disagree, if you can't feel the hit the JLAudio F113 produces you must be passed out... it's not subtle the difference...
Post removed 
Bob: I would normally totally agree with you but I have owned two of the big velodyne at the same time with the JLaudio and my Wilson Watch dog... the differences in the same system were rather large over both the 15" and 18" velodyne as far as movie Impacts... for 2 channel music the Wilson sub is considerably faster and more tuneful.. I've felt the Paradigm before and it was great but the JLaudio was excellent.. For movies outputs Velodyne DD or the JLAudio....

This isn't just another press thing... I had JL audio subs in my truck years ago and they were amazing in a small sealed box.... SUBS is what they do!
I own DD-18 and my brother owns Revel B30.
I like Revel B30 better for music sound quality.
But I like the DD-18 better for movies.
I'm sidding with Bob Reynolds, in regards to his inferences here. Just because you heard one setup vs another, you are dealing with a great deal of variables that, unless you're expert at knowing how the system, seating, room acoustics, sub settings, EQ, speaker/sub integration, main speaker settings, phase settings, and on an on, you simply can't make ANY REAL WORLD JUDGEMENT OF ACCURACY regarding the differences between the two subs! When someone tells me one sub at one store sounding sooooo much better than another, I HAVE TO LAUGH!!!
Been doing this for decades now, worked in many high end stores, did custom systems, all the trade shows, acoustical engineer by trade, audiophile tweak, etc.- and I can tell you that your assumptions don't mean so much in the context I mentioned, and not knowing how it will all tie in with your system at home!
To say "Sorry but I disagree, if you can't feel the hit the JLAudio F113 produces you must be passed out... IT'S NOT A SUBTLE DIFFERENCE(???)(cytocycle), is a statement that is not qualified, pertinent, accurate, nor specific enough to gauge anything by! I've personally had some of the biggest baddest subwoofers on the planet in different settings, and in different systems, on enough occasions to know that you can set these things up in so many different configurations, that you can actually get virtually NO BASE from your system, sub installed!!! It's so easy to cancel out base, have settings and placement off, phase, acoustical holes, etc, that you simply can't walk into some room you know NOTHING ABOUT, and make assumptions and or accurate assessments on one piece of gear IN A WHOLE SYSTEM!
All I'm saying is that subs/bass are very setup/system/room dependent, and you can get tremendous results with many high quality pieces out there, done properly - but you can also, even easier, get poor results when things are don't right, even with the most expensive subs around!
I personally think potentially great subs like the ones mentioned, in the average hands, don't usually end up amounting to all that much, more often than not. Unless you know all of what you're doing, it can end up disapointing if you're not experienced in setting these things up. That said, I can take either of the above mentioned, and get some world class results in the right room and setup.--but then I know what I'm doing.
I would not discount either, bassed on hype or someone on the net's own bias however. Finding the right deal, with the right help, might be more valuable.
For me, I'd likely never buy any $10k subwoofer (wilson) or otherwise, as a single sub! Waste of money, IMO.