I did not say there was no sonic signature Roger. I said the neutral means to me that neither the high nor low frequencies are emphasized. There is a difference.
Yes I know you did not say there was no sonic signature. My point was what happens when there is no sonic signature? IOW most audiophiles can sit down in a blind test and listen to a "system" and say this sounds like a tube system or SS system (in some cases where there is both it might be tricky).
Obviously everything presents a sonic signature, unless it presents no sound at all.
It is possible to have no sonic signature and still have sound. The sonic signature represents a trace or finger print that is imposed on the music signal by the amplifying process. If you speak through a cardboard tube like you find in the center of a paper towels, it becomes obvious that the hollow modified sound of your voice was caused by the cardboard tube. That is its sonic signature and your ear-brain recognizes immediately what it is.
Tube and transistor circuitry has come a long way but it still has audible traces of the process. It is due to low level distortion which are different for both circuit types. (that's why you can tell which is which).
When there is no distortion (zero) there is no sonic signature and cannot be recognized as tubes or transistors.
I don't know if you call that neutral or natural but I know it is desirable because it sounds "live". Any sonic signature gives your brain a clue that it is a reproduction. The only sonic signature at the concert hall is the sound of concert hall.