Glad it's working out. Any thoughts on its relative quality, or too soon for that? I know you like the Victor 7045. What other arms, if any, do you favor?
In the late '80s/early '90s my ex business partner had a Goldmund Reference. I spent a lot of time at his house. Fabulous table, and he designed a set-up jig for the arm, but I think the arm was outperformed by the ET. The Souther, later bought by Clearaudio, seemed better with MCs than it should. It was often paired with the Veritas cart and I suspected the low frequency resonance reinforced the bass. Synergistic distortion? Never heard the Trans Fi or other air bearings.
Soldering tonearm internal wire can be challenging. It's easy to mess up. Hell, stripping the wire can be a challenge. Some techs burn it off and clean the carbon residue. Feasibility depends on insulation type. The Sonus now has 1877 OFC. My tech did the rewire job. He's a lot better at soldering. The Sonus is an interesting arm. It looks like a Mayware Formula 4 on steroids. Stock, it's 4.1g eff mass. I have a custom headshell that takes it a little past 5g.