Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.
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But it is what you two have been saying, by claiming that an amplifier can produce "live" sound in the room, the same "live" sound from the recording venue. I am simply pointing out that that statement cannot be TRUE because there are SO MANY PROBLEMS INHERENT in the home audio system that DISTORT  the sound, not just amplifiers. Follow?
I think I may have found some common ground here. What you are saying is also true but here is the significant difference in the type of distortion.

Almost all of the "other" problems introduce static distortion as apposed to dynamic distortion.

This all relates to motion. If you take a picture and mount it on to a shake table (a vibrating platform) and turned it on -  what can you make out in the photo? Depending on the intensity of the vibration it will certainly be less than if you turn it off.

That is dynamic distortion which modulates the information.

Now take the same photo and this time just set it up straight with no vibration. However instead of straight on - rotate it a few degrees in one direction and leave it there. Now what can you make out in the photo?
Probably everything just fine - except it is viewed from an odd angle which stays at that angle. It may have a warp or change in perspective but even the warp is stable.

That is static (stable)  distortion that interferes with an unobstructed natural view.

Conventional analog amplifiers modulate the signal (velocity) flowing through a circuit at extremely small amounts and yes VACUUM TUBES do this LESS than SS but when you remove the modulation completely - it is day and night.

You cannot experience "live" sound in the presence of any modulation.
The velocity in the concert hall has zero modulation and your brain recognizes the stability of the air medium as authentic.

To stream this information into your ear canals at the perfect playback speed taps directly into the default process of the ear-brain system.

The reconstructed image of the source of the sound is easily uploaded to the mind when it enters the brain at the right speed.


Cleeds, you are like the audience on Hyde Park Corner in London. You get your kicks out of shouting nonsense about any topic including one you have never seen much less listened to or have the competence to understand. I might not fully understand but I have listened to it.
tbg O  " ... Cleeds, you are like the audience on Hyde Park Corner in London. You get your kicks out of shouting nonsense about any topic ..."

If you're going to accuse me of "shouting nonsense," please provide some examples - on more than one topic.

Good luck with that.
Roger, by your own definition at least some of the distortions I am referring to - the ones separate from amplifier distortions - are DYNAMIC. Seismic vibration or any vibration, e.g., transformer vibration, motor vibration, that produces jitter in CD playback or that affects the signal anywhere in the components or cable produces dynamic distortion, no?  Vibration is not static. Same with room anomalies, comb filter effects are dynamic and produce dynamic distortion, no?  Magnetic fields are not static and produce dynamic distortion, no?