Which CD\SACD?


Looking for a 2nd hand CD\SACD player.
Seeking for high levels of inner resolution, rich sound, and musicality.

Budget is up to $2,500.

Any help and information would be greatly appreciated. 


Theothergreg said,

"geoffkait, that was an Oppo 103 just like it was a Toyota Camry that won the Daytona 500 yesterday...."

That’s why there are such things as modded Oppos or modded anything.

"You referred to it in the past tense, so why did you give it up after so much work?"

Good question. One reason is there was no more room in the Oppo. ;-)


both the Parasound CD1 and ARC CD7 are highly regarded for CD playback. Which brand(s) of cabling are you guys using?

My two channel system is fully balanced and I run all balanced Transparent Reference both from CD7 and the Modwright Oppo105D to the preamp and amps.
Find a nice used Esoteric K-05! I got mine for $2800 and it is a beauty. Sounds wonderful too and doubles as a DAC.

Transparent MusicLink Super single ended from Esoteric to Classe Sigma SSP.  Transparent MusicLink/Wave Ultra the rest of the way to speakers.