Gryphon Diablo 300 vs McIntosh Mc601

Hi Alls (specially lrsky if you interested),

I have a dilemma wondering if anyone can help.

Recently Gryphon has released Diablo 300 (audited the one with DAC); and an distributor/dealer here in Sydney recommended me to change my Mc601 to it since I am needing a new DAC. Here is the my head-in context:

- Currently I have a McIntosh system (tube preamp, MC601 - 600 mono block) that run B&W 800 Diamond, quite happy with it as it is suited to music I listen to; and I do like the VU meter in front of McIntosh as well as the Space Alien look of B&W 800.....The sound is good, warm and lush; great mid/high range, real good for music with a lot of guitar playing. However, here is the down side: The MC601 is seem to be weak in punching the lower end of the 800 diamond (or just the speaker itself like that – I was using the set with few of Tannoy Prestige Series, sounds just great until the time I decided to try something different). I have tried to connect B&W 800 to 4ohm post, it sound better in lower range but less edge in high range and less sound stage, but acceptable good. To address the issue, I have added 2 new Rel Acoustic Sub System and it is the best coupling I tried (B&W DB1, Velodyne.....). I always strongly against using Sub to music listening but have to admitted that the Rel does make the different, deepening the sound to a great extension. I have been happy with it till my tube preamp is died couple of weeks ago.
- In hunting for new preamp/dac the have been introduced the new Diablo 300 with excellent Kalliope based DAC. I am using Media Center PC, and have spent countless hours to take out the noise, processing of OS....have rigged the computer registry to the point that I am happy and quite certain that it is closed or same to any high end player (have compared side by side with Moon/Goldmund...player). I have to stressed this point as I am working in IT, the media center is the must to me. Besides, I truly believe that good system will always sound good with acceptable sources not only reference one, enjoying music is totally different from picking super frequency noise....
- Auditing the Diablo 300 with 802 diamond (smaller than mine): I have spent time with this beautiful unit playing all the normal music I have been listening to every day..... I must say the Gryphon does great in re-producing the music in most re-fined way, natural, fast and warm enough. I do have a chance to listen to Gryphon top of the line speaker as well, I do like the dark romance they want to state so the vocal is just center and floating on top beautifully. The bass control is great, tight but smooth enough (way better than Krell and Classe...).
- Compare Gryphon Diablo 300 to MC601: First, I don’t know how this perform with my B&W 800 Diamond, as it is bigger speaker. The Diablo does better job in bass line but the mid range and sound stage is not adequate to McIntosh; and the lush factor of MAC sound that I like is not there. Overall the Diablo has finer control but it is not a “WOW” to me, it is better but not by an impressive gap.
- The dealer: I have read Larry (Irsky) comments about Gryphon’s selection of dealer in US; must say I have the similar situation here. As soon as I walked into their store and told them the system I have, the sales rep started to talk bad about Mac products and they are cheap comparing to others and discriminating about money driven market..blah blah...I came with the question that if they have a good DAC/Preamp, they make me feel that I am cheap to buy cheap product like McIntosh and how amateur it is in selecting the gears like I have, how great the gear that they have in store and all above level of my system. I had a hard time to tell them that I don’t have a budget, I buy what I like and love what I have (hifi, audio, music).....Then they started talking about computer is the worst thing ever as a source and which program to install, and just use their reference player and their music as the source during audition...Had to remind them again and again this is about me listing to my music at my home, and I had worked in AV industry as well as DSP experience...After another hour I can finally shut the discriminated speech all about money and class of audiophile off to listen to some real music....Must say it is annoying experience; and they are distributor/dealer of great Gryphon product: Sad.
- Struggling for solution: I have 3 choices now; A - McIntosh C2500 tube amp will do me great with existing current system (but not as fine as Gryphon Diablo). B- Buying Gryphon, something new, I have great future proof DAC/PRE as well as better, well-balanced natural music AMP (not sure how it behave with 800 diamond instead of 802); however will lose the sexy looking of McIntosh and warm fluidly sound plush annoying dealer. C – Buy the Gryphon and use in combine with McIntosh in bi-amp configuration, I am not too confident about this.

If you have any experience/thought/interest with this, please share with me, greatly appreciated.


(Please pardon me if you have trouble understanding my English)

I haven't heard the MacIntosh gear but I can tell you that I traded Audio Research separates for the original Diablo to drive my Wilson Audio Sashas , I had no complaint with the ARC gear , in fact it was a decision I did not take quickly but I found that i was getting too old for all the separate components and the idea of a ' one stop ' integrated appealed to me considerably , the ARC tube gear does have a bit more air up top but the Gryphon has , at least to me , more bass control , whatever differences there were , for my purposes , were negated by the convenience of one box . I also have been a customer of the Dealer you mentioned since 1985 , all my experiences have been positive and the owner goes out of his way to ensure a positive experience , including answering queries out of normal business hours .
Thanks Chris, 

What I care the most is the sound coming out of my system; I do really feel ichy when listening to the music in "not there yet" mode. Look like gryphon has a lot of fans here. Its new brand to me and i am keen to have a go with it, If it can do the job beautifully as it does with 802. 

I can tell that the dealer really tried to help, thats why i am still in very excited stage of getting the amp.....guess they have started in a wrong foot :-). 


I think the output transformers used in the Macs are degrading the bass just like what usually happens with tube amps. If you like the sound you are getting except for the bass I suggest you get a good powered sub.
Yes i agreed, as mentioned above, i am currently utilising 2 REL S5, fantastic subs compared to B&W DB 1 and velodyne DD 12 I have auctioned. However, the sound that Gryphone does have finer tonality control, more balanced mix....but less music instrumental sound. Anyways, i am waiting for in-home demo of the diablo 300. Hope it goes well..
The Gryphon should do a better job in every way than the Mac.
It will certainly drive AND control the bass on the B&W speakers.  
Both are fine products. The Gryphon is amazing.
