#8 AWG spade connectors??

 Looking for a little parts help, hope this is the right forum vs the misc. I've spent countless hours looking for some quality spade connectors that are big enough to accommodate some older AQ GR8 speaker cables. I had ordered some nice looking GLS banana connectors from Amazon, they say they hold #10 AWG, but 1 of the 4 wires still does not fit in the connector. So I assume I need #8 or bigger. I have searched eBay, parts-express, etc but can't seem to find anything big enough. I'd prefer that they be the 45 degree angled ones. The reason I am re-doing these cables is because they're old, and my new amp has puny wire posts compared to the Bryston I had. I'm lookin to do it nicely, with heat shrink and all. I can't use bananas or other types because the amp does not have enough space in the rack behind it.
Any ideas? 
Great suggestions, thanks. Those MITs look perfect. Swear they could fit a little bit bigger cable? 
 Gosh mofimadness, those are the cat's meow, but would be worth more than the cable!
wetfeet48, yeah sorry.  They are pretty pricey.  I was fortunate enough to find a set of (4) used.  I think I paid like $40-$50 for them or I wouldn't have been able to afford them either.

They were the only ones I could find that would fit my Canare 4S11 in a shotgun configuration.  They even had a little extra room.

Probably the best connector I have ever used.
How about letting a bit of common sense prevail? I used to mess around with fat AQ cables. I trust you would not be able to hear the difference if you were to snip the one wire protruding and continue on finishing the cable. 
How about letting a bit of common sense prevail? I used to mess around with fat AQ cables. I trust you would not be able to hear the difference if you were to snip the one wire protruding and continue
on finishing the cable.
Yeah you're probably right, and trust me, I thought about it, though I'd rather snip a bit from each of the 4 strands. But then, I paid for them, and just knowing I didn't do it 100% would get to me. I need new connectors anyway, I'd rather just do it right.