Someone is not paying attention. Dynavector nulls were just posted and they are not Stevenson. The inner null is close to it, but outer null is Loefgren B. How does this change tangency and alignment error?
Click on the nulls to find out. Scroll down to the columns headed with the stock and standard alignments. Notice the odd relationships between various alignments with regard to eff length, offset, and overhang.
What remains constant? Pivot to spindle = mounting distance.
The equation is L = MD + OH. Where MD is mounting distance and OH is overhang. If L remains constant, then the values of MD and OH change for different alignments, but still total to equal L.
Forget about Loefgren's papers, it's all right there. You're confusing yourself trying to reinvent the tonearm. If you start doing the math for different nulls, your arm will be released around the year 2127, or the 2nd of never.
What interests me is the DV total alignment error - looks pretty good. They say "Distortion figures are calculated from samples of tracking error in the modulated groove area." Samples? Sounds like smoke and eyewash. Distortion analyzer?