JL Audio f112 or f113 sub?

Any thoughts on which sub (f112 or f113) would be a better choice for mostly 2 ch stereo listening and occasional home theater. I currently have Thiel CS 3.6 speakers with Bryston 4B amp and an outlaw audio processor. I am also planning on purchasing a Thiel SCS4 centeer channel speaker. Room size: 13' wide by 20' deep with 8' ceilings. Room opens into an open kitchen and dining area. Thanks
I have two f113 couldn't be happyer but I have a big room and use them for HT. For music I would do 2 f112, a bit faster sub. One is good, two balances the room better, in most cases, depending on the room. Have to qulaify that.
Thanks for all of your responses. I went with one f112 to start. Am very happy so far. Have ~ 10 hrs on sub. Sub sonds better with a few hrs, but still needs break in time.
I just added 2 f113s to my system for 2 channel. They setup easy and sound great. I may or may not add them to my HT setup or keep my Aereal sw12 for that.

What do ya all think?
I use 2 f113 subs in my stereo system and they do double duty with home theater. I felt the f113's were faster than the f112's for 2 channel but made little difference in home theater.