Pass Labs X-1, X2.5 preamp volume increments.

I have a xa30.5  and have been contemplating picking up a used X generation  preamp.   I think likely that particular generation  because the next is generally more than I would like to spend.   XP-10 etc.    And interestingly  the XP-10 does not have tape  in/output--- you have to go to the XP-20 to have that which will cost even more. 
  My question is quite simple and were I able to hear the pre in my system I would immediately know my answer.    I have read the manual and notice that  volume graduation is around 2 -3 db and this possibly may be inadequate when trying to volume down to a barely audible volume---such as I would need for my bedroom system.   I often keep music on into the night and turn it off at some point in the early am.   It would not be an issue in the main system because essentially just dont play at barely audible levels so I may still go for one if there are reports of a less than ideal volume range.    Do those who have used the X-1 or X-2.5 find the volume  control lacking in incremental  attenuation?      I do notice that many preamps in the $4 to $6k range often have  volume increments of   .5db..   Some ,  I forget which,  possibly BAT actually will have .5db at the lower end of the spectrum and when going up to higher volume will increase  1-2 db .  
Appreciate any experience others have had regarding this.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xskiroe

Yes must have been the way you worded it, if that's the case then I'll go back to Neslon Pass's concluding statement, as I've also found.

Cheers George

What could be better? Hardly any noise or distortion added by these simple passive parts. No feedback, no worrying about what type of capacitors – just musical perfection.

And yet there are guys out there who don’t care for the result. “It sucks the life out of the music”, is a commonly heard refrain (really - I’m being serious here!). Maybe they are reacting psychologically to the need to turn the volume control up compared to an active preamp."


Watercourse,    I neglected to acknowledge  the pertinent info  you gave regarding  low volume capabilities (or not) of the X-1 when in your system.    Sure there are variables involved ,  source output ,etc.   What you have conveyed though would seem to be in line with the info re/  volume control graduation of the X-1 and the X2.5 of which the manual,  if I recall correctly,  refers to a  3db volume increment in the X2.5.  I came back to check this post and realized again that  these earlier Pass pre's may not lower to barely audible setting.   When checking specs of volume control on many of the $2k plus preamps older and newer production it is often note that a .5 db increment is available.    
Having owned the PASS Ono, the Aleph P, the X2.5 and the the X1, I tend to agree that the volume change increments are greater that I would prefer. I am still using the Aleph 0s and wish I had taken up Nelson's offer to lower its sensitivity, which is the other possibility to be able to play at low volumes.