Is there advantage to balanced phono-preamp

I'm currently using VPI Aries. Is there an advantage to a
phono-preamp that runs in balanced mode.
czarivey "The signal from phono cartridge actually comes BALANCED.
Each channel has +, - and ground.
all you need to do is separate ground between 2 XLR connectors."

There's nothing magical about XLR connectors. You can maintain balanced operation by using RCA connectors, but you must keep the ground separate from the neutral or - as others have also pointed out - more correctly the opposite phase signal.
I use and recommend the Ayre P-5xe mp phono preamp. Its not worth it unless your whole chain is balanced. Moon-audio & Grover Huffman can  make custom cables for mini din to xlr. You can download the manual for the Ayre  and see schematics for acceptable cable wiring. I like to use the shortest and smallest gauge wires with good shielding for phono cables.
I owned an Ayre P5Xe-mp, and selling it was a mistake.  It was great as a spare and as a second phono stage for MM/MI.  So, I second your nomination.