First Hand Experience?

Hey all!

I am considering purchasing the Rotel RB-1582Mkii power amp. I'm hoping that I can get get some first hand experiences/insights from anyone who has either owned this amp or who has thought about buying it and decided against it for whatever reason and what amp they ended up buying instead.
On paper it has some interesting features/specs and enough power to drive most any speaker but there don't seem to be too many reviews of it on the Internet.
Also, if you have owned it, what pre-amp did you use with it? Tube or Solid State?

Thanks in advanced for your replies!
arafiq, you mentioned the Parasound amps. As I am using this for  2 channel music only. I'm curious about the THX certifications. Does that get in the way of a strictly music set up? In other words, would I be paying for something I don't want and, as it is designed for home theater also, is it an infringement on my needs?
Yes I didn't mention a preamp.
Eventually I want to go with a tube preamp. This is going to be a one piece at a time deal. So currently I have a very nice Yamaha R-S700 receiver with a "main in/pre-out" RCA connection. So my intent would be to use the Yamaha until I decide on a Tube Pre. (as my wallet allows me too)
Not ideal, I know and I can only guess how it will sound. But it will be temporary.
I also realize that with these speakers I do not need all of this power from the Rotel amp. But again, eventually I will upgrade the speakers as well as my bank account dictates.
Thanks for the replies, and I'm curious of any thoughts on the Yamaha as a pre-amp if only for a short time.
wcc10, I don't have any experience with Rotel, but I do have it with Parasound.  I don't think you will find any issues with 2-channel performance with either the A23 or A21.  There are plenty of reviews on the net and testimonials here and on other forums to support their capabilities.
I'm curious about the THX certifications. Does that get in the way of a strictly music set up? In other words, would I be paying for something I don't want and, as it is designed for home theater also, is it an infringement on my needs?

Just because it its THX certified, doesn't mean it is designed for HT use only.  And your not paying for it.  Parasound is by paying THX for the certification.  So consider this a bonus.

I have had Parasound THX certified components in the past and it is excellent, high value gear for 2 channel application.  I wouldn't hesitate getting another HALO amp.