Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?

I have just acquired a 32 year old JVC/Victor TT-101 DD turntable after having its lesser brother, the TT-81 for the last year.
This is one of the great DD designs made at a time when the giant Japanese electronics companies like Technics, Denon, JVC/Victor and Pioneer could pour millions of dollars into 'flagship' models to 'enhance' their lower range models which often sold in the millions.
Because of their complexity however.......if they are 'unobtanium'....and they often cannot be repaired.

Peter, can you publish the list for all to see or send me one to audpluse at aol dot com..


Thanks for the offer, Peter.  I sent you a PM.  Just as an aside, isn't silver oxide a perfectly good conductor, which is partly why to use silver?  I know when Bill Thalmann worked on my DP80, he replaced all the OEM transistors with new ones, on the premise that the OEM ones with which he is familiar are prone to failure (although I don't think any of them had actually failed in my DP80).  I wouldn't be surprised if the transistors in the TT101 were of the same provenance as those in the DP80.


You tightened the bottom bearing well too tight, this one is used to set the height of the rotor inside the motor housing.  You should re-examine this assembly.  The reason that the bottom plug was secured with a "clay like material" was to prevent it form coming loose.  tighten it just so much that you get a rub with the top cover on the motor on, then back it off a quarter turn, then secure it with a dap of nail polish or similar.

Best of luck

Regarding the transistors used in the TT-101 I want to make sure that I can get the table working with the new ones installed, I'm still a little ways away form this.

Once I get it going I'll let you know the appropriate replacements

Good Listening


ps68, You've independently hit upon exactly the reason I went off on a craze over these vintage dd turntables.  In the end, the better ones are the best bang for the buck.  Plus, the drive and rhythm that they can impart to music are addictive and unique.  The best idler-drive turntables are of a similar flavor.

To all: The problem with my TT101 seems at the moment only to have been a tiny crack in the main PCB, right near the edge. JP thinks it occurred during manufacture, 30-odd years ago.  The circuit was only maintained by solder, and once the solder cracked (invisibly, I might add), the result was a fault in TT101 function that was manifested intermittently, depending upon stress on that PCB.  There was no need to replace the SC3042 chip in mine or indeed any of the discrete transistors.  Great work by JP to find this problem, only made possible by the fact that the thing finally malfunctioned in the presence of a smart guy who knew how to trace down the cause.  Other such problems are being searched for, just as a precaution before I get it back. I hope this is not premature, but I am very pleased.