The SR black fuses (2) just went in the kit cold from the post box, about 30 minutes warm up, and I que up the first record, Susanne Vega Close-up vol.1. Between the fingering of the guitar, the bass line, and her breathy voice all are more vivid (than with the stock rat shack fuses), no question.
She may present a bit raspy and not quite as ethereal, or liquid, the performance at times may sound a tad confused, which should resolve over time. Now I haven't tried flipping the fuse orientation yet though, so we'll see about that. I look forward to these, very much, after adequate burn-in time.
Fortunately my preamp and phonostage are hybrids and though the signal path is tube driven, the power supplies are SS and basically never get turned off, so the fuses will see current without a need to run the tubes (or my ears) for their entire break-in period.
Does this sound about right on first blush gentlemen?