Surround Processor better than a Proceed AVP?

Looking for a $500-900 Surround Processor Recommendation to replace a Proceed AVP-S:

1.Must have multi-room (2 zone) preout for 2-ch (so no Meridian?)
2.2-ch and 5-ch music quality on-par with or better than the Proceed AVP-S (so no Japanese AVRs?)
3.DD/DTS a must
4.Reliable – no pops or hiss. I’m getting some little pops and hangs with my AVP.
5.DD TrueHD or 5.1 analog input (AVP lacks this, AVP2 too expensive?)

Amps will be Rotel, speakers from North Creek (front/sub) and NHT (rear in-ceiling). I will not need any video switching.

What you need is a processor that can decode the new codecs of Blu-ray, they are a HUGE step forward in movie soundtracks!

Unfortunately to match the sound of your PDSD/PAV you'll be spending ~$7K plus.

I feel your pain in the combo, Madrigal really screwed everyone who bought that piece, they just let that set die on the vine. Too bad it's a really good sounding piece, as it should be for the $10K it cost new (my buddy just sold his for $1,400 a few months back, several months after sending it inb for repairs that cost $1,500)

Michael Fremer's review of the audio only Cary Cinema 11a and the comments of even those dissatisfied with the bugs at least in the earlier versions of the firmware suggest it provides superb sound. It can process the new Blu-ray codecs. Although the MSRP is $4K, a number of units were listed at around $2K by owners unhappy about the bugs. But later versions of the firmware seem to have reduced the bugs, and I have not seen a Cinema 11a for sale recently. I keep looking.

The Cary is seriously limited by it's two HDMI inputs.

While more money I prefer the Classe' SSP800 or Arcam AV888.

In my application, the DVDO Edge acts as an HDMI switch between the HD-DVR and PS3-80, so would present a single HDMI output to the Cinema 11a. The XA5400ES would be the other HDMI output, so two HDMI inputs is not a limitation, nor is lack of video processing. The Cinema 11a and SSP800 are both reputed to provide excellent sound, and IIRC I've read very favorable reviews of the AV888. So it's the cost of a used unit that's likely to drive my decision. I do not intend to buy an 11v.

I have the Classe SSP800 and the Arcam AV888, sort of different animals, but both are very good sounding units.