Dear Mark,
Sorry to hear of this continuing problem.
I have used the Whest PS0.3r (55db setting, 220 ohm loading) and Lyra Delos combination for several years and find no issues with noise even with the volume cranked up to ear-damaging levels.
It’s a very clean, dynamic sound. Occasionally, with any phono stage you may be aware of recorded tape hiss on the vinyl. Go higher in volume and folk may start to hear rumble and other mechanical issues.
I draw the line at listening at levels up to 110db as someone in the other thread suggested. I prefer my ears to continue working.
As a double-check I use an SPL meter at the listening position to make sure it’s not much more than 85db on peaks. (I was a bad boy recently when I measured 93db on crescendos…) :( ;^)
Analogue power supplies are more prone to “hiss” when the attached pre-amp is cranked to high volumes, especially very old amplifiers which may need re-capping/servicing. Switch-mode PSUs can be deadly silent in this regard.
The simplest solution, apart from sending it back to the manufacturer, would be to unhook your phono stage, take it to your Dealer and ask him to try it in his system.
This may at least determine if you have anything functional to worry about?
Those who are blessed with more than one turntable based system can do this for themselves (unfortunately I only own one turntable)
Kind regards,