CD player or CD transport ??

Hey All.... I'm looking to upgrade my CD playback by moving the duties from my Oppo player to a stand alone CD player.. It'll be connected to a pre-amp/processor before it hits the amplifier.. So my question is am I better off using the money to get an upper tier transport and relying on the DSP/DAC in the processor (currently Cary Audio Cinema12) or better to get a CD player because of the synergy that might occur in the design the maker made in the assembly/design of the unit ? I'm assuming the transport does no processing and only delivers the signal picked up from the CD... I have about the $2000 range...  Any suggestions on which model in the budget ?  I prefer it can do SACD too... Thanks
Emotiva ERC-3 stand-alone CD player. Incredible value ($500 or $400 if on sale). Only does redbook CDs, but that's what you want. Any integrated/universal CD player is a compromise somewhere (IMO). For SACD, stay with your Oppo. Not sure what upgraded SACD player there is from there. 
It really depends on what Oppo you have? But I will say that transports and DAC combos are important to get right. Every transport will sound differently with whatever DAC you run it to, then there is the connection (XLR,RCA,Optical,USB Audio) to consider and cable. So, a stand alone CD player is a easier way to get the sound your after. AYRE might make a model in that range. I would love to hear others offer suggestions as well.

Really enjoy my Cambridge 851C. Great Player and I suspect it will sound better own its own rather than the DAC in your Cary but who knows.
Really enjoy my Cambridge 851C. Great Player and I suspect it will sound better own its own rather than the DAC in your Cary but who knows.