Any comments on Synergistic Research Atmosphere

I had 2 pairs of Synergistic Research new Atmosphere level 2 interconnects in my home last week. These cable are not actively powered, but has a lead that has to grounded to system A/C ground. They are $995 per pair and at this price I gave them a 5 star rating in my report to the cable company who loaned them to me.
My system consist of Sony 5400ES SACD player; McCormack LD2
preamp, Odyssey Khartago power amp, REL B2 subwoofer, Vienna
acoustics Hadyn Grand stand mounts. Vibration control by Symposium Acoustics and room treatment by Real traps.
Hi all.  I thought I would finally respond to "Mookie1's" inquiry if anyone had the opportunity to compare the Synergistic Research Element CTS speaker cables with the newer Atmosphere Level 4.  I did have that opportunity and will share the results here.  By way of background, my current system consists of an ARC Ref. 10 pre-amp, Octave MRE 220 monoblocks sourced by the Ayre C-5xeMP connected to Shunyata PC's (separating digital from analogue) sitting on a double-wide SRX with  Shunyata interconnects and power cables, all feeding a pair of ProAc K-6's.  Before I start upgrading the digital front end of my system, I decided to first change-out the speaker cables from my Acoustic Zen Satori Shotguns.  I set out, as we hunter and gatherers usually do, to seek out various choices.  Given my set-up the first choice was obviously Shunyata SC's.  I then explored the other brands hailed by we audiophiles as top tier in the price range of $5 - 15k.  To get to the punch line: I bought a 9' pair of SR Atmosphere Level 4's in a bi-wired configuration.  Not because of the relatively reasonable pricing or the incredible build quality and design, but because of the incomparable performance.  None of the other speaker cables I auditioned measure up to the Level 4's, even the more expensive  Element CTS's which are the reference cable for many professional reviewers.  I have to say the Level 4's have been an absolutlely outstanding upgrade that far exceeded my expectations of what a couple of runs of wire could do for a system.  Most of the other cables I tried offered something more than the Satori's (which are great in their own right) as you would expect given advancements in wire and insulation materials and design since the Satori's showed up in the market many years ago.  The Level 4's did everything better: speed, details, nuances and dynamics (without being bright, brittle and overly analytical); warm expressive mids; the bass we love and pine for but often don't get, the widest and deepest soundstage of the punch (behind the system and along the side walls) and spectacular separation of instruments and voices on that stage.  My needs/objectives for elements in my system are simple but sometimes difficult to attain: let it be as real as a live/studio performance.  The SR Atmosphere Level 4's deliver that without compromise and have helped mine from the other components/elements in my system the best of their performance towards that objective.  The CTS's, which I had in my system for 6 weeks, came close - but no cigar.  The CTS's were a bit more compressed and struggled to deliver the coherent (time aligned) response of the Level 4's particularly in voice, woodwind, cymbal and piano note reproduction.  Regarding the later three, the sustain and decline was palpably more impressive and real.  I am going to switch out my Shunyata Anaconda interconnects to the Level 4's now I have witnessed what the speaker cables deliver.  Not expecting the same step change I got from switching out the Satori's but will let you know what I discover for those who might be interested. 
So, Nyame, are the Level 3 interconnects 50% better than the Level 2's, which you already rated with 5 stars, based, I guess, on cost-effectiveness?  As you noted, Level 3 costs 50% more than Level 2, so to be even more cost-effective than Level 2, they should be perceived as being more than 50% better.  Reading through the thread, I don't see that you ever commented on the Level 3 that you say you were going to purchase.  Also, if any or all of these cables take 100 to 200 hours to break in (as someone else wrote), how can they be so wonderful after an overnight or several-day audition?
Atma-sphere, the company that makes fine tube OTL preamplifiers and amplifiers, would have no grounds to sue SR for using the word "Atmosphere".  Note the difference in spelling.
Hi Lewm,
I never auditioned the level 3 interconnects. I decided instead to audition the HiFidelty CT- 1  ($1600) as well as wywires Platinum inter-connects ($1799)  before purchasing the level 3. The idea was to get some context to help in evaluating the Level 3. While the CT-1 performed well it was the Platinum that bowled me over and which I purchased. It is being used between  pre-amp and power amp. It is still my intention to audition the level  3

I have the Platinum series from Wywires in all of my connections - phono cable, speaker cables, interconnects and love what they do for my system.  It really brings everything together.  

For context, my system is Primaluna HP Integrated Amp, VPI Prime Turntable, Zesto Audio Andros 1.2 Phono preamp, Sonus Faber Olympica III speakers.  I plan to add the Exogal Comet dac as well, since this was recommended to by Alex from wywires, and he has yet to steer me wrong.  Wywires are a tremendous value and offers great customer service too.  Well respected in the audio community.  Best of luck.
For Digital not true at all ,for Digital the High Fidelity Audio 1.5m Spdif is $1100
cable Clearly beat the atmosphere Reference usb cable which are similar in price.
their interconnects compared again these magnetic technologies truly dramatically cut through distortions their CT-2 interconnects retail for $2k area are more natural better-resolution cable , their Ct-2 cable is by far their best value 
not cheap but like myself have to save a few months to buy any big purchases.
i heard them both in my system ,not at a showroom . Check out 
High Fidelity cables webpages they have videos and reviews that explain these
New patented technologies .