Both are excellent speakers. Both also sound best when set up properly and driven with good electronics. I'll admit I've only heard the Magico's at shows (not the most ideal rooms). The Magico's never drew me into the music but have excellent details and dynamics.
That said when I heard the Raidho's they were in a better rooms and not at shows. They immediately drew me into the music. To me there is more 'air' between the instruments and vocals (lower noise floor - Yes the Diamond coating does lower the noise floor). After hearing both the D1's and D3's I could not get that sound out of my head. I owned Dyn C1 Signatures at the time. So I went for the D1's thinking I could add my Rel B3 to pick up the last octave. I just couldn't get the B3 to blend in properly (muddied up the mids too much for my taste). I have since upgraded to the D2's (D3's would be too much for my room). I am considering upgrading my D2's to the D2.1 but I have to hear it first. From someone on a different forum he had his D5's upgraded to the D5.1's. He stated the noise floor dropped even more and dynamics increased.
As far as amplification I started with an Octave V110 tube integrated (approx 90W with Ei KT90's). At low to moderately loud the Octave was excellent but kind of lost it when pushed to the max (which is rare for me). I now have the Aavik U300 from Raidho and honestly at my normal listening levels the U300 has just a 1/2 hair better 'control' of the music. But when pushed is a lot better.
At the price levels of both Magico and Raidho you really need to hear them yourself. I would also suggest when listening to Raidho make sure they are the D3.1's.
Best of Luck
That said when I heard the Raidho's they were in a better rooms and not at shows. They immediately drew me into the music. To me there is more 'air' between the instruments and vocals (lower noise floor - Yes the Diamond coating does lower the noise floor). After hearing both the D1's and D3's I could not get that sound out of my head. I owned Dyn C1 Signatures at the time. So I went for the D1's thinking I could add my Rel B3 to pick up the last octave. I just couldn't get the B3 to blend in properly (muddied up the mids too much for my taste). I have since upgraded to the D2's (D3's would be too much for my room). I am considering upgrading my D2's to the D2.1 but I have to hear it first. From someone on a different forum he had his D5's upgraded to the D5.1's. He stated the noise floor dropped even more and dynamics increased.
As far as amplification I started with an Octave V110 tube integrated (approx 90W with Ei KT90's). At low to moderately loud the Octave was excellent but kind of lost it when pushed to the max (which is rare for me). I now have the Aavik U300 from Raidho and honestly at my normal listening levels the U300 has just a 1/2 hair better 'control' of the music. But when pushed is a lot better.
At the price levels of both Magico and Raidho you really need to hear them yourself. I would also suggest when listening to Raidho make sure they are the D3.1's.
Best of Luck