Hi Lew,
My re-tipped F9E Ruby is Mr. Ledermann’s CL version, not the OCL version you have.
Since I purchased my Herron VTPH-2 phono stage a few months ago I too was running it at 47K, with load capacitance being the Herron’s MM input capacitance of 100 pf plus the unknown capacitances of my approximately 5 foot phono cable and the tonearm wiring.
Of course an additional variable in the mix is that the input stage of the Herron that is used for the two cartridges is different. Although I suspect that the difference essentially just involves insertion of the Herron’s FET-based LOMC stage into the signal path for LOMC’s, with the rest of its signal path probably being the same for both types of cartridges.
I would speculate, also, that given the age of the Grace cartridges there is likely to be significant sample-to-sample variation in performance among them, even when re-tipped in the same manner.
I’ll mention also, btw, that I’ve been running the AT-ART9 essentially unloaded, into the near-infinite input impedance the VTPH-2 has on its LOMC inputs if no termination resistors are plugged into the connectors it has on its rear panel for that purpose. Keith Herron suggests that with his particular design that is likely to be optimal for many or most LOMC cartridges. After the cartridge is broken in I’ll probably try the 47K and 1K loading plugs I ordered with the VTPH-2. But I see no reason to doubt the comments that have been made in the past by Atmasphere, Jonathan Carr, and others to the effect that the need for relatively heavy resistive loading of an LOMC, where necessary, is driven primarily by the need to control the degree to which a particular phono stage is exposed to ultrasonic or RF energy resulting from the resonance between cartridge inductance and load capacitance, rather than by the needs of the cartridge itself. And it would seem that the sonics of the Herron are less likely to be affected by that energy than in the case of most other phono stages.
Paul (Ps68), thanks very much for your comment.
Best regards,
-- Al