normansizemore283 posts"Sounds like the cartridge is picking up a open ground loop..."
That doesn't make any sense. A ground loop and an open ground are completely opposite things. A ground loop is the result of two or more paths to ground with different voltage potentials. An open ground is an open (incomplete) circuit.
The most likely cause is a cartridge that susceptible to motor hum. Grados are especially vulnerable to hum fields.
You might also check your arm wiring. That there is no hum when it is at rest is no assurance the wiring is ok, because of course the wiring must twist to some extent as the arm pivots.
That doesn't make any sense. A ground loop and an open ground are completely opposite things. A ground loop is the result of two or more paths to ground with different voltage potentials. An open ground is an open (incomplete) circuit.
The most likely cause is a cartridge that susceptible to motor hum. Grados are especially vulnerable to hum fields.
You might also check your arm wiring. That there is no hum when it is at rest is no assurance the wiring is ok, because of course the wiring must twist to some extent as the arm pivots.