Sold my EPA-100 last year, now thinking about EPA-100 mk2 (at least) or some other budged arms you have recommended in the past here. My ex EPA-100 from seller Foxtan was deffected (loose bearing) from the start, returned to the seller to fix the problem. I got it bask soon with no problem but i can not verify is that original ruby bearing or replaced one by his vendor. He told me the vendor should add silicone fluid in the bearing part (someone has mentioned this here). Later someone told me it can be tricky as the original ruby ball can be also replaced by cheaper bearing from sl1210 arm instead. So i was not sure about my arm after his service. I just decided to get rid of it.
Later for my main system (sp10 mk2) i just bought demo Reed 3P "12 cocobolo directly from Lithuania from the manufacturer and i’m happy. I’ve met people at Reed in person, they are very friendly and provided top class service and price for me for their used early version of Reed 3P (great arm imho).
I wonder what is the fair price for Lustere GST 801 nowadays?
P.S. i have Shcick "12 tonearm but it’s for low compliacne carts mainly. I have some mid - high compliacne MM cartridges (including Stanton 980 LZS) now and i want some decent arm for second system.