Carver HR 895 Receiver?

Thoughts on the HR 895 Receiver? Picked one up yesterday along with the SD/A 360 CDP. Shame the CDP couldn't have been the 390T.
Insight appreciated. -Thanks-
I have some static in one channel that is unaffected by volume. I tried cleaning the controls through the faceplate with contact cleaner, but it did not work. I could run the unit for hours with no static at all. It's not loud. I have to get the face plate off which is a pain because it is screwed onto the unit from the inside on the bottom, which requires a long screw driver, and one of the screws is hidden. Brilliant design.
To fix the channel, you just need to replace 4 transistors.

Q701 - 2SA1145
Q702 - 2SA1145
Q703 - 2SC2705
Q704 - 2SC2705

This is well known problem. These HR-895 are awesome!
As more people find out about that model, the used prices will rise.
IME, the best Carver receiver was simply called 'The Receiver'. If I remember correctly it was a powerhouse, conservatively rated at 125WPC.
I fixed it by selling almost two months ago.

And "The Receiver" should be called "The Headache". That thing is an accident waiting to happen.