If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.

If money was no concern i'd buy these speakers........

If money was of concern the best speaker for my dollar would be...... 
Money no concern - someone is seriously sick.
Money is concern - too many possibilities.
1,853 posts
03-08-2016 1:21am
Money no concern - someone is seriously sick.
Money is concern - too many possibilities.
a good sick, inna! :-) wouldn't you like to be "sick" like that?? who wouldn't like to have financial freedom??

bombaywalla, you'll need to become a politician. financially free don't need money at all bcoz you can take'm at any time any amount. just be in the right game. good luck
Not all politicians are busy with professional extortion and money printing. Most perhaps but not all.
Bombbaywalla didn't mean anything bad, why offend the man for nothing? In fact, why offend at all?