If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.

If money was no concern i'd buy these speakers........

If money was of concern the best speaker for my dollar would be...... 
Yeah...still the extent and forms vary wildly.
Anyway, I would never buy any speakers for more than, say, half a million dollars regardless of the available funds.
Thanks for not being offended and understanding my grotesque. 
I'm in the same situation and seriously, election here does not exist. Selection does so I usually choose if I ever go vote the one I trust, but not the ones 'selected' that I usually don't trust or want. Truly, such 'selection' is getting worse each time I guess since JFK who probably was selected by mistake that had been 'rectified' I guess by those who didn't want to loose an ability of so called 'financial freedom'. Those who're dreaming of financial freedom are naive because indeed politician giveth and taketh and the fact was proven.
Think about that before purchasing your huge Pipedreams.
As there are MANY cost-no-object speakers to choose from, there are NOT so many pristine recordings (regardless of format) that would transport you to that magical place where everything sounds, if not "real", at least authentic and faithful to your ears.  This has been a conundrum for many years, especially (as in one example) the development of Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy speakers, which have revealed every flaw in the source material.  So I for one have given up trying to attain the absolute sound in my home, but that doesn't mean others shouldn't continue to follow their dream.  
I own the Revel Ultima Salon 2 speakers. Even if I had the money, I think that I've pretty much hit the point of diminishing returns.
If money was no concern I'd buy these speakers: Vandersteen Model Seven II.

If money was of concern the best speaker for my dollar would be: Thiel CS3.7. 

I'm a big proponent of time/phase coherence; what else can I say?
