Which CD\SACD?


Looking for a 2nd hand CD\SACD player.
Seeking for high levels of inner resolution, rich sound, and musicality.

Budget is up to $2,500.

Any help and information would be greatly appreciated. 


The Esoterics I've owned, while good performers overall (especially the X-01, which was highly modded), just did not engage me over the long haul. My Marantz, on the other hand, has. 

When I've listened to the two manufacturers back to back, it sounds like two companies with two totally different conceptions of what live music sounds like. Neither conception is wrong, per se, but IN MY OPINION, Marantz's idea of live sound, as engineered into their Reference-line products, is closer to what I hear when I go to a concert.

Yes, the Oppo is not a rich player, IMO.

There are far better spinners in the marketplace.

I said I wouldn't have another CD player, sold my McIntosh MCD500 on Audiogon, as I've been using a media server...but the server hard drive packed it up, is back at the factory being re-imaged or replaced, so I thought...since I have an external DAC I'm really happy with, why not snag a transport, just bought a PS Audio PWT.  I have their P10 Power Plant and DirectStream DAC, happy with both of those as well.

As I've gotten deeper into digital, I think the best way to go is with an external DAC.