What is David Bowie's turntable?

After the passing of this great artist I have been listening to a lot of vinyl again, including his jazzy and brilliant Blackstar.

It got me to thinking what kind of turntable we would find in his home.

I can imagine a Gyrodec, given its charming form (Steve Jobs also had a Gyrodec). But I can also picture the Thin White Duke with a Thorens Reference. Given how avant garde he was a pitch black object from outer space, like a Technics SP10 in OMA Tourmaline plinth would also be so fitting.

Apologies for a somewhat trivial post, but it is my way of paying tribute to DB and also indulging in some pleasant daydreaming.

DB might have B&O at some point, but it's very tough to find replacement styluses on these.
I can visualize both Linn and B&O mentioned. If a Linn, it would be a nonchalant, I-couldn’t-care, saw-it-at-Harrod’s-and-bought-it-on-a-whim, kind of Bowie cool. Or "Ivor gave it to me and I could not refuse". Cannot imagine Bowie ever tweaking the suspension :)
I'm a musician currently, been one since the 60s, and some of us are hifi gear heads. Not many it seems, but not many of anybody is an audio geek so it's kind of the same deal…sad but true. I do try to convert people (including some fellow musicians) and...meh…waste of time generally. Peter Washington Jr. is a top shelf NYC bass player and he's a hifi geek so that's one right there.
Alfred Brendel owns Quad gear. Before I became an Ayre head, I had owned successive generations of Quad gear for 30 years. About ten years ago, I saw a photo of Brendel in his home. Sitting right in a corner with a stack of CDs was a Quad preamp and amp setup. No indication of what speakers he used or if he owned a TT.