Where to go from here...

Hi all,

First time poster here but long time lurker.  Just a bit history, then my questions.  Like many, I've re-kindled an old interest in audio and over the past decade been purchasing (and reselling) a lot of gear and having a lot of fun.  Started with vintage receivers, then separates, then some more modern gear, and now modernish tube gear.  Have about 5 systems running now (my kids love me they have nice gear in their rooms).

My main system consists of the following:
Sonos ZP90 (streaming flac files from NAS, online music, etc)
VPI Aries (JMW 12.5, Ortofon Cadenza Black)
McIntosh C2300
McIntosh MEN220
Bob Carver LLC Black Beauty 305 monoblocks
JBL 250ti
Audeze LCD-XC headphones
full set of BJC cables

I ran into WAF issues on room treatments, and thus the MEN220 which I really like even though it's a big digital computer.  Music is mostly classic rock with some acoustic folk.  Volume moderate to occasional high.  50/50 digital/analog as source.  Room is approx. 18X35X10, one of those big kitchen/dining/family room things that are so popular today.  No video here, just music.

I'm pretty happy with this system and like the sound.  It sounds a lot clearer than my best vintage system (Pioneer SX-1280 with JBL L-220s) which sounds pretty good itself.  I hear things in the music I've never heard before.  I have a few friends who like audio, but they are pretty scarce in my social circles and while I have heard some good systems I've not heard anything outside a showroom that really sounded better than mine.  That probably says more about my social circles than my system though.

I posted in speakers but I'm really open to broader opinions.  What is the weakest link(s) here?  I understand that audio is subjective and no one else has this exact system. I suspect my Sonos needs some attention at some point as digital source, that is on my radar.  The only upgrade I've done that yielded no benefit I could hear was the BJC copper.  The cables are prettier but I can't hear anything different.   While I love the JBLs, they are the only vintage components left and I've heard improvements in most situations when I either switched to more modern gear or rebuilt old gear.

I've thought about looking for modern speakers and subs, and using the MEN as crossover.  The Carvers and JBLs sure do rock though so   Am I (gasp) done? :)

I work for a living so money is a constraint.

Sorry now to have jumped on this tangent.  Can someone offer the OP some helpful advice....jeez, it's his first post!
speakers first (naturally).  but if rock/pop is what you love the most, maybe not.  the recordings aren't that good (for the most part) anyway.
but if you LOVE Blue-Note jazz, or string quartets, etc. then yes, that's a good place to start.  Try listening to Eggleston Andra speakers (ver.1, 2, or 3) or similar speakers (Joseph Audio, Aerial Acoustics, B&W, many others) and hear much more going on as well as a better integration between the different drivers.  If you have the space and DON'T need POW-POW (dynamics), Magniplanars are ridiculously good speakers.