FUSES??? Just when I just replaced all my PC cords.

So I come across what I think is the next magic pill. "FUSES" Synergistic Research RED Quantum Fuse to be specific. Guaranteed to make a significant improvement in overall sound quality. Or a full refund. Gotta love that, total satisfaction. So, it's got my interest. Let's say one would like to challenge the promise. I have a Jolida tube amp (801) a Jolida JD9II phono pre and a Jolida glass tube DAC III. And I would like to try one fuse to start with. Which of the three components of my system would you recommend trying first?

Thanks in advance for any opinons.  
Ozzy -- As I mentioned on the other SR fuse thread SR do actually offer a quantum tunneled breaker. You simply send them your breaker and they give it the QT treatment for modest cost, I suspect they could do the same with your Pass labs amp breaker as well -- call your SR dealer and ask (I use Scott Walker)

I think you are going to be very happy with the sound after the 100 hour break in period. I tried several approaches to the breakin but this way "seemed" the best. Ran the equipment on continuously for 50 hours and then several on and off cycles to reach 100 hours. I do think they continue to improve even after that.


I agree. Scott Walker Audio in Anaheim, California may be the most experienced Synergistic Research dealer on the planet.

I hope everyone reading this thread can attend the 2016 Newport Beach Audio Show: June 3-4-5. Synergistic Research and Scott Walker Audio will be there and it is a great opportunity to talk with them directly.

David Pritchard
geoffkait3,003 posts03-11-2016 6:33am
Let’s see, how long has it been since aftermarket fuses first appeared on the scene? Twenty years. Gosh, it seems just like yesterday. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away....It was 20 years ago today Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play.....hahaha
The problem is nobody only kept him posted!  Keep me posted and Happy listening!
Parts Connexion is selling Hi-Fi Tuning Silver Star fuses at $20 (originally sold for $40). So I ordered one for my amp. Basically a twenty dollar audition. If I feel there is an audible improvement I will replace all my fuses. Question;  Is there right/wrong way to install fuses?
No , No scientific way to install . Cross your fingers , say three hail marry's , Have a rabbits foot in your pocket too . If that does not work flip fuse over and reinstall .