It does not take 6-8 months as mentioned above "assuming" you connect constant current drain devices (amps, house fans, etc..) to them and leave them powered on 24x7.
LOL.... You might want to take the time and reread my posts. The 6 to 8 months time frame is if the OP turned on and listened to his system on average 2 hours a day and then the amp was turned off. Surely you are not recommending the OP leave his tube amp on 24/7. That would be just silly.
Burn-in hours are burn-in hours.
Whether 2 hours a day on average, 500 / 2 = 250 days / 30 avg days in a month = 8 months. OR 2 hours X 7 days = 14 hours a week. 500 hours burn-in time / 14 = 35.7 / 4.5 weeks in a month = 7.9 months. 8 months.
A box fan load running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 7 X 24 = 168 hours.
500 / 168 = 2.98. 3 weeks, not 6 or 8 months.