Integrated amps for Joseph Audio rm22si

 Looking for recommendation on an integrated amp for the speakers from owners or previous owners. Budget is about $1,000 
Thanks for any info.
Looking for something that doesn't run me out of the room after 15 minutes of listening to it.definitely don't want something that's going to be too edgy or bright something with good low end detail. It seems Joseph audio prefer's class D amps or at least that what they use at the show from what I've seen. Something I would be interested in trying. 
What amp are you currently using or what have you heard so far that you don’t like? JA speakers don’t have a rep for sounding bright or edgy, so would be helpful to hear what else is currently in your system in terms of source, pre, interconnects/cables, etc. 

The only thing I have so far are the speakers and some audioquest cable's rocket 44 speaker cables and cobra interconnect. So... I thought I would start with the amp first and then the source.most likely cd
JA has shown with Hegel with good results, so maybe an H80 would be worth exploring.  Same with the Bel Canto integrated.  With your tastes it sounds like you may like tube gear as well if you're open to that, so integrateds from Primaluna and Cayin among others might be worth a look too since the RM22s are relatively tube friendly.  Best of luck.  Great speakers BTW.