Preamp recommendation please..


I'm looking to buy a 2nd hand preamp, to match my Krell Evo 302e amp.
Speakers are Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grand.
I like setups based on tube preamps and SS amps, but this is not a must.
Most important for me: Transparency, Musicality & Drive. Smooth sound, not thin or clinical.
Fully balanced models are preferred.
Budget is around $3k.
Any help and information would be greatly appreciated.


Hands down "First Sound".  I have the Mark 3.  It fronts a Conrad Johnson Premier 140 with Teflon upgrade.  I had listeners over last weekend.  I actually sold one my CJ amp.  I have the Sonus Faber Luito 3 way floor standing speakers ($5,000).  The buyer has the Sonus Faber Guarneri ($22,000).  He along with the others were absolutely floored by what I was getting out of my system.  Blown away by how powerful, musical and relaxing my system is.   I know a huge part is the First Sound preamp.  I had Airtight and Mcintosh preamps before the First Sound.  No comparison.  The depth of base, clarity, musicality, consistent tone from top to bottom.  It is just so nice.  It also uses a pair of 6922 tubes so you have a little room to shape should by using a Telefunkin, Siemens, Bugle Boy or GE5670 tubes.  Emmanuel the owner of First Sound has come to my house twice and helped me to understand how to really tune my system.   That also helps it to stand out.  He is one of the nicest and honest people I have worked with.  The preamp is also highly upgradable.  The basic chassis is already designed around a mono platform.  The power supply is external.  If you get a second power supply the unit is true mono.  From there you can upgrade the stepped ladder attenuator, capacitors and some other parts.  I have the base unit and just don't see how I could need anything better.  I have seen used units for $3,000 + or -  on Audiogon.  The attenuator is based upon resistors in a ladder.  Only 2 at any one time in the signal path.  This is considered the best way to control volume.   If the volume is not working correct with your amp, Emmanuel is very good at building a new one to meet your needs.   See his website for a better understanding of what he offers and pricing.  If you see a used unit, call Emmanuel and see what he can do to bring it up to snuff for you.  You may need to do nothing.  I have a friend with a stock Mark 2.  He loves his unit and sees no reason to upgrade it.  Try one out.  I think you will hold onto if for years.
Tnx kingrex.

I had a chance to try the FS MKIII at home last week. Great preamp with exceptional built quality. But I felt, like with other preamps I’ve tried, that the compromise on the transparency side, is too much for me.

As I’m thinking of upgrading my source (Denon 5000), I started thinking about raising my budget towards $4k, and look for a used, one box pre+source, going direct to the Krell.

Happy to hear ideas.

Some people appear to find it a bit bright but the solid state ARC LS3 was a Stereophile Class A component that only listed for $1,200 back in the 90s and can be found for under $700 now.  They are superb.

Hello K302.  As a question, not a challenge, what do you mean by the compromise on transparency?  I though the FS was transparent, but my basis for experience is limited.  I have only had the McIntosh and Airtight preamps.  I have also had the integrated Rogue Audio Tempest, Cary SLI80 and a Rega Osiris.  To me the FS blew them away.  It does have a lot of bass but I get no hiss from anything.  Are you comparing it to solid state?  Maybe I am biased as I prefer tube equipment and look beyond some distortion.  I did just replace the CJ amp with a Transparent Design Audio set of 1570 monoblocks.   Holly smoke, most amazing amps I have had to date.  I did try a solid state amp between, but it was too black between passages.  When it played, I heard so much I could not relax.  I just keep listening to hear more.  It was flooring in that sense.  However the harmonics and decay of instruments with good tube gear is so inviting and fulfilling I just can't leave it.  Anyhow, thanks for any input.  Learning as I go.

Owe, as an aside.  I did spend 2 days in San Francisco's Elite Audio and heard the VAC amps powering Kharma S7 speakers.  The Kharma floored me.  Compared to my Sonus Faber full range Luito, that speaker was transparent.  I never though a 2 way could be so full and rich and complete with information.  I guess that's what you get when you invest $22K.  Ouch, not me.

Hi k320,

If your source budget was slightly higher, how about going straight to the top - Krell Cipher CD/SACD player!  You can message me for details.  It's AWESOME, will make the DVD-5000 sound positively broken.  The Cipher's level of detail is shocking.  The control, weight of everything, percussiveness...everything else sounds soft.

Pared with a CAST preamp you'd have the full setup.  :-)
