A friend of mine, who loves music (well, let me correct that: he loves Scheherazade, and ONLY Scheherazade), was over the past few days, so last night, I decided to play the vinyl version (I think it's a Classic Records release, but don't hold me on that).
SO. We listened once and suddenly I wondered, because the sound was just slightly strange sounding, what it would sound like with the Red fuse. So, I popped out the Black and put in the Red, and put the needle on da record and wonder of wonders, it sounded better. So, I began changing the orientation of both the Red and Black and in the end, the Red sounded better than the Black. I have no idea why. Don't even suggest burn in: it's been two weeks, 24/7 in the Power Plant with a fan hooked up to it, too.
Hey, no skin off my nose: I can put it in the NAD C356BEE integrated I'm giving to a friend and see how it sounds there! But it was a surprise and no head scratching was required. Dave said, it sounds better this way, and that was with the Red fuse in it. Go figure!