from ARC to Pass ?

Hi all,
I now own ARC LS25/II + 100.2; I have the chance of buying Pass X2 + X150.5.
would it be a step forward ? definitively better, worse, just different ? or what ? :-)

thanks, ciao
so, first answer is:
Pass X2 better than ARC LS25/II (in the opinion of jl35's friend, it's understood).
ok, thanks.
I've read many comments about the X150.5 power amp, and they all told about a very good amp, but I did not find comparisons with my venerable 100.2.
on the other hand, I've found very few comments on Pass X2, with my surprise: a lot of comments on X1, X2.5 and others, but few on X2, so I really don't have the faintest idea about what to expect.

question: so, daniele, why are you thinking of that combo if you don't really know about it ?
answer: I've always been attracted by Pass products, I always thought I would try some soon or later, and I've found that combo at what seems an honest price to me :)

since neither Pass model is current, you should get a good price, and Pass tends to be an easy resale if you don't like it...   the Pass was much better in my opinion also, in a system I was very familiar fact my friend purchased the ARC from me

Get the ARC Reference 3 if you can afford to.  It will change your life.
Currently one on sale here on the 'Gon for $4250 which is an excellent price.

If you can try it first do, if that is not an option go ahead and buy it but keep your ARC pieces so you can compare and sell off what you don't like because it could be a combination of the two brands which do work well together.

I have a Pass X250 and really like it and yeah I hear how much the newer models are better but I enjoy my X250 and it sounds great on my current system so I have no desire to move up yet. That being said I have never heard the X150.5 but know your 100.2 SS amp because I used to own one and I really enjoyed that amp but it isn't in the same league as my X250. Don't get me wrong the 100.2 is a special amp but it's not close. If the X150.5 is as good or better than the X250 then you will be more than happy and never look back.

As far as your ARC LS25 MKII goes, I was fortunate enough last summer when my local ARC dealer picked one in on trade I took it home to see if I would like it over my ModWright SWL 9.0 SE and I didn't. Nothing wrong with the LS25 MKII but it was not as musical as the little MW... not even close to my ears. At the time I still had the 100.2 so I did have your same set up and it sounds really good so not at bashing it. I ended up selling my 100.2 for the Pass and did end up selling my SWL 9.0 SE for a MW LS36.5 which is definitely a big step up from the LS 25MKII and SWL 9.0 SE.

I've never heard the Pass X2 so I can't comment on that but no doubt if you want an amp that is more extended, cleaner and still has the magic of your 100.2 the X150.5 will have it. I'd be surprised if the X2 is not a better preamp though but no experience with it.

I assume you are running balanced IC's on the ARC? If you are not you should try that first and if you do pick up the Pass pieces definitely run balance there.

Good luck

The Pass X2 isn't one of their better preamps.  I was even told this by one of the Pass employees over the phone.  Years ago I paired an X250 with the X2 pre & eventually went with a tube preamp which I preferred.